Website Wednesdays: Fashion Bloodhound
Fashion Bloodhound is the ideal way to sell off last years pieces to make room for the new seasonĀ and generate some extra cash with which to purchase your SS12 must haves!
We have been surfing it’s wonderful pages for days, just in a bid to grab a hold of some really beautiful garments and also checking what we got in our wardrobes that needs shifting.
Now don’t get it wrong this isn’t any old second-hand online boutique, you’re looking at a place where you can get luxury, designer pieces at probably a fraction of the real price… as well as really amazing vintage pieces too -
“Fashion Bloodhound is a leading online designer store that specialises in the buying and selling of pre-loved, luxury, high- end fashion, as well as sourcing new and vintage pieces that you thought had disappeared from mainstream shops forever.”
If you ask us, it’s the perfect way to see January to a close and get those pieces you can’t rock anymore get praise and love from someone else… of course whilst you cash in on their joy!
Probably one of the best resale sites we’ve seen in a while, you get easy access to pieces from all over, a great service in which you can send in wish lists for vintage pieces and they source for you and not only that great fashion and styling advice from top bloggers and fashion know-alls too!
Go on, have a gander, and you’ll see why it’s this weeks Website Wednesday #2!! –
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