Robot Bunny by Soap-Box: Digi-Box JKT
By Victor for Streetwear Saved My Life
Over a decade ago Raekwon and Ghostface united and released an album “Only Built for Cuban Linx”. Now unless you are a complete loser you have heard this album (the original release was a purple tape) and you know how much of a classic it was. If you haven’t then fret not, as we stumbled on another classic collaboration in the form of a jacket.
This isn’t Hip Hop and unfortunately this isn’t the 90s but this is Street Wear at its finest. Two creators, two giants, two trailblazers in the UK Street Wear scene have put creative differences aside to give us ‘Robot Bunny By Soap-Box’. To be more specific, the ‘Digi-Box JKT’ (jacket) which isn’t purple but it’s definitely a classic cut!
Just one look and you know how monumental this collaboration is for both brands. Due to the brand’s close relationship Soap-Box decided to make a jacket to celebrate the launch of the Robot Bunny Comic. Yes, Robot Bunny is soon to release the first edition of their comic which is set to drop at any point. This will be a first for Street wear, “usually people provide artwork to accompany the launch of clothing but this is clothing to accompany the launch of artwork.” –Daryll Founder and Creative Director of Robot Bunny.
Soap-Box have built up a reputation over the years for delivering high quality British made product and this release is no exception. They premier their first multi colour patch work and use of 3D embroidery in this collaboration piece! The level of quality and attention to detail on the ‘Digi-Box JKT’ show how when it comes to ‘cut and sew’ Soap-Box mean business.
With the UK striving for perfection this piece is a fine example of what I call ‘Brand Intercourse’. It’s great to see good brands come together and create something special for our benefit. I call it the Robot Bunny special technique of Soap Boxing. So which one is Rae and which one is Ghost? Does it really matter? It’s a classic!
Robot Bunny By Soap-Box – Digi-Box JKT is available for pre-order at and as well as exclusively at the Maniki Neko – Robot Bunny Store: Whiteleys, 144-151 Queensway, London, W2 4YN For more details please contact: